Petitions – 21 August 2021

1. Dear Mother, my husband has lost his job, please pray that he will be able to find a new one.

2. Please mother, pray for the parents of both the 13-year-old boy and the 16-year-old boy of River Valley High School, that they will eventually be consoled of their pain and loss. Embrace both families with a spirit of forgiveness and strength.

3. Pray intercede for my son to return his faith in God and to live a good and decent life.

4. Dear Mother Mary, please pray for a speedy recovery of my daughter who underwent an operation to remove a cyst from her ovary.

5. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help, please intercede to Jesus to heal my eldest brother-in-law who is back from ICU after suffering a stroke.

6. Mother, the family is in dire straits financially because both my father and brother have lost their jobs. We pray that they will be able to find new jobs soon.

7. Dear Mother Mary, pray that my friend will deliver her twins safely and that they will be healthy.

8. Dearest Mother I am going through a crisis at work and feeling very anxious. Please pray for me to have peace of mind, and trust in God that all will turn out well.