2023 was an ‘upside down’ year for our family, as my son was diagnosed with a rare bone marrow failure. But it was also the year that I spent most of my days with my family, taking care of my sick son. It was the year that I found you to pray for my son, the year that I got close to you, and the year I realised that all my life I’ve had so many blessings. With my son’s sickness and treatment, I felt more empathy towards people, especially young kids with leukaemia. I could relate to how their parents journeyed with them through their treatments and hospital visits. I pray I will be a better mother for my 2 boys and a better person in the years ahead. I hope to help the people around me, especially families with children suffering from blood disorders and needing chemotherapy and transplants. Thank you, Mother Mary, for bringing me closer to you and for making me a better person. I pray that you will always be with me to guide me in my path.
Your Loving Daughter.
2. Dear Mother Mary,
We want to thank God for all the blessings given to us. Early this year we celebrated our church wedding, after engaging in a tribunal process. This week, we were also informed of our successful outcome of our PR application, a process which started in 2018. These gifts would not have been possible without your intercession. We thank you with all our hearts.
Your Loving Non-Catholic Son & Daughter.
3. Dearest Mother,
Thank you for hearing my prayers and interceding for me. I managed to receive my Visa in time for university, and am currently settling into the university. May you always be with me every day, as I venture into the unknown, and continue to intercede for me.
Your Child.
4. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
Thank you for my daughter’s “A” level results. I know that you have guided my daughter through her education. She was diagnosed with ADHD in Primary One. But through your love and intercession, you have guided her through her primary, secondary and junior college years. Please help her in choosing the course of study at university, and pray that she can get accepted into the course of her choice.
Your Faithful Son.
5. Dearest Mother Mary,
Last week my Buddhist brother-in-law arrived in Singapore to look for a job. We took him to your Shrine at a Saturday Novena devotion to pray for interviews and to secure a job. Despite the challenges he faced as he could not speak English well, he had an interview with a manager who was from his hometown in Penang, and was offered the job on the spot! Mother, my brother-in-law is here to give you thanks. Thank you, Mother.
Your Loving Son.
6. Dearest Mother Mary,
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to you. My brother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease 5 years ago, and I have been helping with his daily needs. He has a skin disease in his feet for more than 10 years, he was prone to occasional falls and injuries, and has suffered from depression for a long time. He wanted to end his life, which made me very worried and helpless. Holy Mary, we sincerely express our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for your powerful intercession. From May 2020 to the start of 2022, amazing miracles happened. All his symptoms and illnesses were cured and he returned back to normal life.
Your Child.
7. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
Thank you for your kind intercession for my wife’s speedy and miraculous recovery last Christmas. She was admitted to hospital and the doctors carried out scans, blood tests and an MRI. She had to stay in hospital for 5 days. On Christmas eve, she felt a miraculous touch on her back and was able to sit up and walk on Christmas Day. I thank Jesus for her miraculous recovery.
Your Grateful Son.
8. Dear Mother,
I thank you for all your prayers and for God’s blessings upon me and my whole family. Thank you also for taking care of my employer, as she is very kind to us.
Your Devoted Child.
9. Dearest Mother Mary,
When my grandmother started to fall ill several years ago, my family would gather every weekend to pray the rosary with her. In late 2022, my grandmother passed away. Mother Mary, through your intercession, she passed away peacefully holding a rosary in her hands in her final moments. Mother, you provided our family with great comfort during our time of grief. Till today, our family continues to gather to pray the rosary. Thank you, Mother, for watching over our family and keeping us together.