Thank you for all your prayers. Your prayers give me such a strength to keep moving on and struggling in this difficult situation. No words can describe how grateful I am to be your loving daughter.
Your Daughter.
2. Dear Mother Mary,
A few months back, my daughter was doing her job search without much success. Thanks to your grace, she received an offer lately and has since started work. Thank you, Mother, and may you continue to watch over her and guide her.
Your Grateful Daughter.
3. Dearest Mother Mary,
I thank you for your protection on my family especially my 4 year-old boy when he was diagnosed with a rare bone marrow disease. You protected him from the start of the treatment, chemotherapy and stem cell transplant. My son went through this like a champion. We still have our ups and downs and uncertainty relating to his health and future, but we believe we will overcome this challenge with your guidance and love for us. With my son’s sickness, you opened our eyes to look at life in different way. We are more grateful to what’s happening around us and have more empathy towards other people.
Your Loving Daughter.
4. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
I sat for a very challenging examination and I finally passed it. Thank you for helping me pass my examination. I sought your intercession and prayed so hard. I am very grateful.
Your Catholic Son.
5. Dear Mother Mary,
Your care and prayers know no bounds. I feverishly prayed to you for your blessings to lift me from my burdens of financial, personal and marital problems. I was left with just $2 dollars. Not having a job, lots of loans and debts as well as bills to pay. I had no one to turn to and then there was you. Someone who bailed me out in the past, protected me always even from certain death in an accident. You were there and today you are here again. An old friend lent me some money to help me tide over for the time being. Now, I need to get a good job soon and clear all my debts and handle my financial issues besides my marital problems. I thank you for being there to help me out.
Your Loving & Grateful Son.
6. Dearest Mother Mary,
Thank you for your intercession and prayers to bring about reconciliation between my husband and son. And for keeping my aged mother safe during this time.
Your Grateful Daughter.
7. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
Earlier this year I lost my job. But, I am thankful for the compensation I received which enabled me to sustain my family’s daily needs. However, during this challenging period, I felt anger, confusion and helplessness. My anxiety level soared, leaving me unsure about what steps to take. In an attempt to overcome this, I sought therapy and even considered turning to fortune telling, although I knew deep down that it wasn’t the right path for me. Months later, I found myself in a better place, largely due to therapy. I began watching homily videos on YouTube and started reading the Bible daily. Finally, I have been blessed with two job offers and I am seeking God’s wisdom to discern which opportunity aligns better with my family’s needs and mine. The entire journey has been like a roller coaster, but I have encountered many wonderful people along the way. Most importantly, I am grateful to you, Mother Mary, who prayed for me without ceasing.
Your Grateful Daughter.
8. Dearest Mother Mary,
Thank you for the opportunity of being able to visit you again in Singapore. Since the pandemic, I have been doing my novena devotion online from the US. During that time, I was so scared of the recurrence of my breast cancer. Here I am today, able to travel again and visit your shrine and much healthier than before. Mother Mary, I am so, so grateful for your continued prayers for me and my family. For almost 14 years, I have prayed to you that I may live long and healthy so I can raise my daughter, see her grow up and get married. I know you will always take care of me. Thank you for always interceding for me. I love you, Mama Mary.