Thank you so much for your intercession for my mum. Her CT Scan does not show anything alarming.
Your Daughter.
2. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,
Today we celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. Thank you for always being there for my family especially in difficult time. You always bring me closer to God who is the centre of our family. We are truly blessed for our beautiful family with 2 kind hearted children. Thank you, Mother Mary for your protection and we are really grateful.
Your Catholic Daughter.
3. Dearest Mother Mary,
With the healing graces of Jesus, my mental health has improved since I last wrote a petition to you. Thank you so much for your intercession and taking care of my mother and protecting her.
Your Grateful Daughter.
4. Dearest Mother,
Thank you for helping me through my prelim examinations and for helping me achieve my desired grades. I am grateful for all you have done for me, also for things outside my exams. Thank you for all you have done for me and for keeping my friends and family safe.
Your Loving Daughter.
5. Dear Mother Mary,
Thank you for answering my prayers and creating miracles in our life. I cannot imagine what it would be like if we don’t have your support and love. I really appreciate your guidance and love all this while.
Your Daughter.
6. Dearest Mary,
Last Saturday I wrote a petition asking for your intercession that my medical check-up results will be normal. This week I received all the results and they are good. Thank you for your intercession for I know that my prayers were answered through your intercession.
Your Grateful Child.
7. Dear Mother,
I have been praying for a new job since last year. Many petition letters and tears flowed at your shrine. Though each interview passed without success, I knew you gave me strength and confidence not to give up praying and trusting in you and our Lord. Today, I start my new job. I did not apply for the role and it was only through a chat with an acquaintance that everything fell into place seamlessly. It only took a week! Mother Mary, I love you. It can only be you.
Your Catholic Son.
8. Dearest Mother,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sparing me of the biopsy that I was supposed to undergo. On the day of the biopsy, I arrived at the surgical clinic to be attended by the surgeon. He examined me and then told me that my skin condition had improved therefore the biopsy was not necessary anymore. I was overjoyed. Thank you very much, dearest Mother for your blessing and for hearing and answering my prayer, you have always helped me. I am truly grateful.
Your Devoted Child.
9. Dearest Mother, thank you for your help in praying for the protection of my company and my bosses and my family members. Thank you for answering our prayers.
Your Grateful Child.
10. Dearest Mother Mary,
Today I am 77 years old and I feel very blessed and I want to thank you wholeheartedly for all the blessings received all these years of my life especially during the most crucial times in my life. I am thankful for the gift of a loving and caring husband and daughter and also for the many God-daughters and God-sons you have given me. Thank you for your love.
Your Grateful Daughter.
11. Dear Mother Mary,
Last year I put in a petition requesting your intercession for our daughter to conceive as she had been trying without success. This June, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. However, she encountered various complications following her delivery which caused so much pain and distress for her. Once again, I sought your intercession to heal her. Again, our prayers were answered. I am very grateful and thank you so much for always being there for me and for my family.
Your Daughter.
12. Dear Mother Mary,
Thank you for bringing me back once again. I have never given up hope as I trust that you are always there for me. Thank you for mending my relationship with my daughter.