Thanksgiving – 6 January 2024

1. Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you for all the graces and blessings you have bestowed on my family in 2023. We are healthy, happy and at peace with our work, study and family. We continue to thank you for loving us.

Your Grateful Child.

2. Dear Mother Mary,

So sorry it took me so long to write this letter of thanksgiving. Thank you for helping to see my husband through his surgery for cancer and not needing radiotherapy or chemotherapy. It’s been one year since, but it looks like he’s getting a biochemical recurrence. Please Mother, I need you to intercede for him that the cancer cells will not go out of control. Please guide and be with him. Thank you very much, Mother. I trust you will always help us.

Your Loving Children.

3. Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you for your continued prayers and intercession. We have been blessed over the past few years staying abroad and had many of our prayers and requests answered. We know that it’s your kind intercession to our Lord that all our prayers have been answered in God’s time. We are always grateful to you, Mother, for all things are made possible with your help.

Your Daughter.

4. Dearest Mother,

Thank you for finally being able to select a HDB flat after 3 long years. As I just resigned due to an integrity issue with my company, my dilemma is having to find employment soon so that I am able to sign my mortgage loan with the HDB. Thank you, Mother, for guiding me to do what is right.

Your Humble Daughter.

5. Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you and Jesus for blessing me during this Christmas season. Thank you for the gifts I have received. Thank you for some happiness and peace that I have experienced in the past two weeks. Peace, happiness and love are so important to me and thank you for granting them, Mother.

Your Grateful Child.

6. Dearest Mother Mary,

Due to our family crisis since September 2019, our youngest daughter was unable to focus on her university studies and sought medical treatment. I am ever grateful that you were with her all these four years and she has successfully completed her studies. She will be starting work in the public sector in January. Thank you for all my answered prayers.

Your Ever-Grateful Catholic Daughter.

7. Dearest Mother,

Thank you very much. My daughter’s blood test and ultrasound test came out healthy and normal. Thank you, Mother Mary, for praying for us with regards to her blood test results. No words can describe how thankful we are to you and our Lord, Jesus. Thank you very much, Mother.

Your Grateful Daughter.

8. Dear Mother Mary,

I want to thank you for bringing us back from our 2-week trip safely and well. But as I write this, I realise I have so many things to thank you for in the past year. You were always with me through all my fears, disappointment and sadness. You were always with me when I felt joy, love, hope and inner peace. The peace that the world cannot take away. I finally got my promotion this year. I got sponsored and admitted to the course of my choice. I did well in my tests and exams. My husband came back to church again, and has become more supportive and more loving. My children are all healthy. As I count my blessings, I cannot imagine all these would have been possible without you and your Son, our Lord. Words cannot describe my gratefulness. But the most wondrous thing is not what we have achieved, but the fact that my children are faithful to you and your Son. My son insisted we come back before Christmas so that he could serve at Mass. We flew out on Sunday night and came back on Friday night because the weekend is holy and sacred. He even proudly wore his cross at all times during the trip. When I think about how serving God has transformed this young boy, I have tears in my eyes and my heart so full of joy. Thank you, Mother, for keeping us in your care. With your intercession and love, we will never stray from God’s way.  

Your Ever-Grateful Child.

9. Dearest Mother,

Previously I prayed during my family’s desperate time of need, for my mum who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and stage 1 kidney cancer. Through your intercession, the latest CT scans of her lungs showed that the cancer has shrunk. We are immensely grateful for your intercession. Back then, I also prayed for my daughter who was doing her PSLE, whom I was unable to guide due to giving care for my mom. We are so thankful for your intercession, as my daughter performed well in her exams to secure a place in a Secondary School of her first choice. I believe we got these through your protection and intercession to your Son, Jesus. No words can sufficiently express my joy, gratitude and appreciation to you, my dearest Mother.  

Your Loving Daughter.

10. Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you for your prayer and intercession for my son as he completed his first semester of engineering. We prayed for your intercession for his selection and were overjoyed when it happened. You have since continued to keep him in your care, including when he had a bad flu on the day before his end of term final examination. By your grace, he was able to recover and continued studying and take the exams and also receive good grades in them. Thank you, Mother Mary, for always keeping him in your loving care.

Your Loving Catholic Son.

11. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,

My wife and I and our children’s families would like to thank you for your prayers and protection for us all to have our vacations to Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea during the last two weeks. Thank you for guiding and protecting us to travel safely and for all the good food and wonderful family bonding times together, and for bringing us safely home. Also, for the healing of my grandson’s breathing problem and fever. Thank you for praying to our Lord Jesus’ blessings for us.

Your Grateful Children.

12. Dearest Mother,

3 months ago I turned to you in desperation. My life was falling apart as my family was facing a serious financial crisis which strained relationships at home. I felt hopeless and fearful. A month later, there was a breakthrough at home. Hopelessness left me and I received consolation and strength. Family relationships have healed and life has become worth living again. Mother Mary, thank you for interceding for me and giving me hope and strength in my crisis. I trust that you will continue to watch over my family and turn our battles into blessings.  

Your Grateful Daughter.

13. Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you for helping me graduate from university. It has been a 7-year struggle. There were many times when I doubted myself but through you and your intercession, I have overcome this hurdle and I am ever grateful to you. Thanks for helping me always find strength to continue despite every failure and difficulty I experienced.

Your Loving Daughter.

14. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,

Thank you very much for helping my granddaughter pass her PSLE examination. She gave up halfway but with your guidance, she passed. I prayed for my granddaughter to get the school of her 1st choice in secondary school. Thank you, Mother Mary, she got her 1st choice. Please continue to bless, protect and help her to concentrate on her studies and also for her spiritual being.

Your Grateful Child.