Thanksgiving -19 August 2023

1. Dearest Mother,

I thank God for the gift of my colleagues, brothers-in-Christ who strengthen me in moments of difficulty. Thank you for loving us as your own children, and always leading us back to your Son, Jesus.

Your Loving Son.

2. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for your intercession and for hearing my petitions. My chemotherapy treatments have been smooth thus far and I’m only experiencing very mild side effects. Please continue to intercede for me and keep me strong physically, mentally and emotionally. Thank you, Mother.

Your Grateful Child.

3. Dearest Mother Mary,

Words cannot express how grateful I am to you. I prayed that my daughter-in-law would be able to conceive. After 5 years of marriage, they shared the good news that my daughter-in-law was expecting. I had been praying so hard for this gift. Yesterday, my grandson was born and I am overwhelmed with joy. I thank you dearest Mother for blessing me with this grandson and that my daughter-in-law had a safe delivery and that mother and baby are in good health.

Your Ever-Loving Daughter.

4. Dear Mother Mary,

I was extremely blessed today. My mother and I attended the 6pm devotion on 5th August. As it was about to begin, I started to feel breathless. I was having a panic attack, but with God’s blessings and grace, I was healed. We had to leave the devotion before it started but there was a kind gentleman whom I believe is a church volunteer who ushered me to a room to calm my nerves. It was at that moment that I realised how blessed I am to be under God’s love and protection. We did not have the opportunity to thank the gentleman. It has re-affirmed my belief in God’s love, mercy and grace.    

Your Grateful Daughter.

5. Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you for your intercession on behalf of my brother-in-law. He was diagnosed with stage-4 lung cancer a year ago, and reacted well to an oral drug that helped him maintain a very good quality of life. He had a relapse earlier this year, but again responded positively to a series of six chemotherapy sessions. Please continue to watch over him, and help keep his spirit and energy up, and enjoy each day of his life to the fullest.

Your Daughter.

6. Dearest Mother Mary,

My husband and I have been married for 15 years but in the last 3 years he has had a really tough time dealing with the death of his mother. In addition, he lost his job and had to deal with a few health problems. Through it all, we came to your shrine at Novena Church every Saturday to ask for your intercession. He is not Catholic but being at your shrine gave him strength and courage to overcome all the obstacles he was facing. We are forever grateful for all the blessings you have showered upon us. Thank you, Mother Mary for interceding for us.

Your Loving Daughter.

7. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

I have been attending the Novena devotion every week for the last 30 years. I have taken for granted all the blessings I have received over the years. Last Thursday, I had a frightening experience that led me to write this thanksgiving letter. I was holding the hands of my two young grand-daughters on their way back from school. We were about to step onto an escalator when I had a fall while still holding onto them. The first thing that crossed my mind was to protect the two girls who were screaming and crying. Within seconds, two ladies came to my aid. Thankfully none of us was hurt. It was a miracle. By then the two ladies had left and I did not even have a chance to thank them. Please bless them. A great thank you to you once again Mother, for keeping us safe.

Your Grateful Non-Catholic daughter.