Thanksgiving – 31 August 2024

1. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

Thank you for interceding for my family. You have brought back life and love to each of my family members and our relationships continue to heal and grow.

Your Loving Child.

2. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for praying with me all these years. I thank Jesus for answering my prayers.

Your Daughter.

3. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Succour,

Many thanks for answering my prayers for my grand-daughter. She was offered a place next year to study in the primary school which is near to my son’s house. We are so happy that she has been accepted in that school.

Your Loving Daughter.

4. Mother Mary, Your Daughter.

Thank you for always guiding me and having my best interest at heart. Thank you for helping me through my recent anxiety and in helping me solve my problems.  

Your Daughter.

5. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for your constancy and love. Thank you for interceding to your loving Son for my daughter’s healing from all autistic tendencies and behaviours. Thank you for your love and God’s grace and blessings.

Your Catholic Daughter.

6. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for loving me and showing me how to be kind, caring and gentle like you. Thank you for blessing my family.

Your Faithful Daughter.

7. Dearest Mother,

I suffered a stroke about a year ago. Half of my body was paralysed. I have never prayed so hard in my life before. I promised to put God first before anything else and asked you to intercede for me. Slowly but surely, I recovered. I asked the doctor what happens to people with my condition. She told me that doctors can only do so much. The rest is up to your merciful God. Thank you so much for interceding for me to your Son.

Your Loving & Faithful Son.

8. Dear Mother Mary,

I thank Jesus for all the blessings and even the trials, for they have moulded me to be stronger. I thank Jesus for the little blessings, even though life seems to be in a full whirlwind. 

Your Grateful Child.

9. Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you for answering my petition for my extension of the contract for re-employment. Thank you for never failing to answer my numerous petitions.

Your Loving Catholic Daughter.

10. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for giving me such wonderful and amazing employers.

Your Daughter.

11. Dearest Mother,

In this season of gratitude I find myself reflecting on the many blessings in my life. I want to take a moment to express my deepest thanks for your intercession and guidance. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work part-time in the hospital which has been a valuable experience and a source of income. Your support has helped me balance my responsibilities and maintain a positive outlook. I also wish to thank you for the progress and growth I have in my studies. The challenges have been many, but with your help, I have found the strength and clarity to persevere and continue learning. Most importantly, I am profoundly thankful for the wellness and health of my family members. Their well-being is a constant source of joy and comfort and I pray that they continue to be blessed with good health and happiness. Thank you, Mother Mary, for your unwavering support and intercession. Your presence in my life brings a sense of peace and assurance for which I am deeply grateful.

Your Thankful Son.