Thanksgiving – 27 April 2024

1. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for my wife, for supporting me in all that I do, and for praying for us and our 10 month-old baby.

Your Son.

2. Dearest Mother,

I thank your Son so much for giving me all that I have in life. I will definitely learn to appreciate, be contented and share with others.

Your Catholic Son.

3. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

Thank you for your guidance when I was really feeling down when I lost my job. With your support, I felt my burden lifted and more hopeful. Thank you for showering your love upon me.

Your Daughter.

4. Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you for interceding for my family, including my grandchildren. We had a safe trip in Taiwan recently, and did not encounter any inconveniences or disasters such as earthquakes.

Your Grateful Daughter.

5. Dearest Mother,

Thank you very much for all the many blessings your Son has bestowed on my family.

Your Catholic Daughter.

6. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for interceding for my husband’s health. His angiogram result is good and he is also clear from cancer.

Your Loving Daughter.

7. Dearest Mother Mary,

This is a long overdue thanksgiving letter to you. Thank you very much for helping my kids and me last year when one sat for the ‘O’ Levels and the other sat for PSLE. With your guidance, both did well in their national exams. I am grateful that my kids did not need a lot of tuition as that would have put a huge financial strain on me. Thank you very much once again, for I would never have been able to provide them with the emotional and financial support without your prayers and intercession to our Lord Jesus Christ.

You Loving Non-Catholic Child.

8. Dear Mother,

Many thanks for your intercession to our Lord Jesus Christ, who saved my husband’s life early this year.

Your Grateful Child.

9. Dearest Mother,

I know this is late, however I would like to thank you for a safe trip to Europe in 2023. Though we had small hiccups in the beginning, we were protected by your prayers and returned home safely.

Your Loving Child.

10. Dear Mother,

I thank your Son, Jesus, for the countless blessings He has bestowed on me and my children.

Your Grateful Daughter.

11. Dear Mother,

Thank you for interceding for me. I finally got a job that I wished for, after being jobless for six months.

Your Child.

12. Dearest Mother,

About 2 months ago I asked for your powerful intercession for my wife and me to conceive a child. We had been trying for 4 years. God has now blessed us with a child and we are so thankful.

Your Grateful Children.