Forty years ago, it was you, Mother, who led me to your Son, Jesus Christ, first through the Novena devotion then, to the RCIA programme. The number of blessings and graces I have received over the last 40 years are simply beyond words. I cannot thank you enough. The Catholic faith I received is completely free but not without responsibility. Please continue to intercede for me to carry out works of mercy faithfully. Thank you, dearest Mother.
Your Faithful Son.
2. Dearest Mother Mary,
I want to thank you and your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for your great love, care, guidance and the many, many blessings that you bestowed on us. Please continue to look after us and protect us from all harm. Happy blessed birthday, Mother Mary.
Your Loving Children.
3. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
Thank you for interceding for me as I got the job I prayed for. Please continue to guide me that I will do well in this job.
Your Grateful Son.
4. Dearest Mother Mary,
I would like to thank you and Jesus and the doctors for a safe colonoscopy that I underwent last September. All went well and the results were good. A polyp was found, and the biopsy results were negative and not cancerous. I am truly grateful to Jesus and to you for your Motherly care.
Your Loving Son.
5. Dearest Mother Mary,
My family and I would like to say “thank you very much’ for praying and watching over my auntie. She had spine problems which were causing her pain. She was hesitant about surgery as it carried a high risk. But we placed our hope in you, dear mother, and you answered our prayers. Both operations went well, and my auntie was able to get out of bed the next day and walk. She is now recuperating at home. Thank you, dear Mother.
Your Loving Daughter.
6. Dear Mother Mary,
This letter is long overdue. I offered my prayers and asked for your intercession for my colleague who was stressed and was experiencing a burn-out. He is a single parent with a special-needs child and another son. It was tough managing work and family responsibilities all on his own. He decided to take a sabbatical. And I am thankful for the kind colleagues who helped with his family when he was away. Now he is back, refreshed and can smile again. Please continue to watch over him and his family. Thank you once again.
Your Grateful Daughter.
7. Dear Mother,
Late last year I became pregnant after having been married for six and a half years. It was not our intention to plan for a baby. It was a life I did not feel I could be ready for. We prayed and after much struggle we decided to keep the child and now she surprises us in so many ways. We are today grateful to the Lord for his gift to us. In many ways the Lord has provided for our child, and we pray in faith that he will continue to protect and guide her. We are grateful beyond words.
Your Catholic Daughter.
8. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
Countless times I have prayed for your intercession for my family problems and for friends who have asked me to pray for them and they have been answered. But each time I failed to thank you and Jesus and have taken your love for granted. So, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, mother, and Jesus for your kindness, love and understanding. Please continue to guide and protect my family and friends.