Thanksgiving – 23 March 2024

1. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

I would like to thank you for the many times you have interceded for me to your Son Jesus. I was out of a job for four months.  Before attending an interview for a job that I wanted, I prayed for your intercession, dear Mother, and a week later the company called to say that I got the job. I was over the moon, as I am the only bread winner in my family. Once again, dear Mother Mary, thank you and your Son, Jesus.

Your Most Grateful Son.

2. Dearest Mother Mary,

This letter is long overdue. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in November last year. I was totally shocked as it was a routine mammogram test. My family was very worried and so was I. I am a regular novena goer, so I prayed for your powerful intercession that I would not suffer, and that the prognosis would be promising. In late January after all the tests and chemo, the doctors told me that the cancer was detected in time and that the future is bright.

Your Thankful Daughter.

3. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

Thank you for answering my prayer. I applied for an apartment that my husband and I liked, but it was owned by someone who did not want to sell, although he had once put it up for sale some time ago. We gave up pursuing it and wished him all the best. However, to our surprise he contacted my husband and offered us a price which was affordable.  We believe that it was through your intercession that we were fortunate that this offer came through.

Your Grateful Daughter.

4. Dearest Mother of Perpetual help,

Thank you very much for your prayers to Our Lord Jesus Christ. I just received the good news that my hormones blood test is normal. Previously, I had failed this test twice and had to go for surgery of my Adrenalin gland. I am happy now that all is well through your help. Thank you, once again, Mother Mary for your intercession.

Your Loving Son.

5. Dearest Mother Mary,

I thank you so much for your prayers for my granddaughter to be accepted at a top University in London to do medicine. I am so grateful to you Mother Mary for your great help.

Your Grateful and Loving Catholic Daughter.

6. Dear Mother,

I have been visiting you at Novena Church whenever I can, as I am working here in Singapore. I have been praying for my son, who left the church and was leading a miserable life. He was an alcoholic and fighting always with his wife. By your intercession, dear Mother, he has returned to church and has stopped drinking after receiving counselling.  He is now looking after his family well. He attends mass regularly and is changed for the better. Thank you, dear Mother Mary and Jesus.

Your Ever-Grateful Daughter.

7. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

I am writing this thanksgiving letter, as I sit in front of your shrine. I would like to thank you and my Lord Jesus wholeheartedly blessing me with good health after my cancer treatment and surgery. I am so grateful simply to be alive each day. I now appreciate that I need to slow down the pace of my life and to take notice of the more important things in life, like love, care for others and to help those in need. Above all, thank you for bringing me closer to Jesus, your Son. Through this past ordeal, I now begin to understand how precious life is and to believe in the mercy and compassion of Jesus. Ever grateful. Amen.

8. Thank you, dear Mother Mary, for your intercession to your Son Jesus who has answered my prayer. I am so happy that the problem that I faced has been resolved, and am very much at peace now. Thank you for your Motherly care.

Your Grateful Daughter.