Thanksgiving – 20 July 2024

1. Dear Mother,

I write to thank you for a contract role last year. The role intended for 5 months was extended to a year. My contract will end on 22 July. I am grateful for the role, and hope to find other opportunities soon. Thank you, Mother.

Your Grateful Daughter.

2. Dearest Mother,

My sister-in-law, who is 84 years old and a non-Catholic, wanted to become a Catholic. However, she could not attend the RCIA classes due to poor health. After speaking to a priest who had interviewed her, an arrangement was made for her to be baptised. On 24th June this year, she was baptised with her loved ones and relatives around her. Thank you, Mother for your help in making this possible. Thanks, also, to our Lord for the blessings and graces upon the family.    

Your Loving Daughter.

3. Dearest Mother,

Thank you for your intercession. My grandson has responded well to his eczema treatment that started last year. Prior to treatment, my grandson was covered with sores from head to toe. Twice he was warded in hospital as he had chills because of the open wounds. The doctor even said that he could die if not treated. Since his treatment, he has recovered, not only in terms of his physical condition but also in his self-esteem. He is doing very well since then. Early this year, he was chosen as a child representative from Singapore for a UN dialogue on climate change. Recently, he was invited for lunch and took a selfie with President Tharman. His treatment is ongoing and we do not know if there is an end point. Dearest Mother, we place our trust in you.  

Your Daughter.

4. Dearest Mother,

I have written several times asking for your intercession to help save my marriage, and for my husband to get help for his mental health. About two months ago, my husband and I started attending the Couples’ Counselling program. My husband has also sought help for his mental health and, although much more needs to be done, I am happy and grateful that he is making the attempt. My husband was also selected to move to a different department at work. He is enjoying the work in his new environment, and his stress level appears to have improved. I believe all this has happened through your intercession. Although my husband and I still have a lot of work to do on our relationship and marriage, the mood is definitely a lot better and our communication had improved. Thank you, dearest Mother.

Your Grateful Daughter.

5. Thank you, my dearest heavenly Mother, for your constant love, protection and intercession for my son. He finally had his confirmation at the age of 28, graduated last year, and landed his first job as a software engineer with a good starting pay this year. Holy Mother, all these blessings and graces were given by God because of your unwavering intercession. Thank you for holding this young man in your immaculate heart. Thank you, Mother.

Your Loving Daughter.

6. Dear Mother Mary,

I have heard of Novena Church from many of my friends and I am sorry for not seeking your          intercession earlier. This year is the first time I came to your shrine in this Church. During my visit here, I wrote my personal petitions and the intentions for all family members. Last week, my brother called and shared the good news that my sister-in-law is expecting. They were overjoyed as they have been longing for a child. Mother, I believe that you have interceded for my brother and his family.

Your Child.

7. Dear Mama Mary,

My daughter has been suffering from sleep and health issues since 2020. I wish to thank you for your prayers and intercession. She is able to get some relief and is slowly recovering before her “O” level exam in October. Thank You, Mother, for your love.

Your Daughter.

8. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,

I am writing to express my deep gratitude for your intercession. Without your prayers to our Lord Jesus, my recent appeal to the university would not have been granted. It is nothing short of a miracle that the university has approved my seemingly hopeless request. Thank you, Mother Mary, for your intercession and support.

Your Catholic Son.