Thanksgiving – 20 April 2024

1. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for your prayers and intercession all these years. It was about 10 years ago that I got to know you and subsequently became a Catholic. Those were my darkest days, as my business had failed and I was about to be retrenched after 22 years in the bank. This double whammy caused me to have an anxiety attack and self-doubts. I did not know how to get out of this situation. It was at that moment that my sisters and my friend came forward to help me. They were there for me and encouraged me to pray to you. It brought me a lot of comfort to share my troubles with you. Thank you, Mother Mary, for praying for me. Looking back over the past 10 years, I was able to receive job offers easily and frequently, both my daughters completed their university studies without financial burden, and my health has been good. Thank you for hearing my prayers.

Your Catholic Daughter

2. Dearest Mother,

Thank you for your intercession that brought my mother and 2 of my siblings safely into the one true sheepfold of the Holy Catholic Church this Easter Vigil. This day would not have happened if not for the bountiful graces poured down upon them through your intercession.

Your Loving Son.

3. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

My younger son lost his job in June 2023 after the company he worked for terminated its operations. Five months later, in November, he managed to secure his dream job. Unfortunately, he lost the job even before starting on it. It was a great disappointment and he was very depressed over it. I felt the same and couldn’t understand why this happened. In mid-March 2024, he secured another job for which we are very grateful to God for His mercy and help. Though this is not a high profile job compared to the earlier one, we believe that this is God’s choice for him as He said: ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’ – Jeremiah 29:11. Mother Mary, I am very grateful to you for your powerful intercession.

Your Grateful Child

4. Dearest Mother Mary,

For the past two years of my life, I felt like a failure and thought I would never make it to a local university after junior college. I felt like I was making no progress academically and that I was going to let everyone that loved me down. But through your intercession, Mother, I scraped through my ‘A’ Levels and I actually have a shot at making it to a local university. Last year, I couldn’t have imagined even making it to a private university. But here I am today, with four local university applications submitted. This thanksgiving letter is long overdue, but I am grateful to say I owe it all to you Mother. Thank you for never giving up on me. I love you very much.

Your Grateful Daughter.

5. Dearest Mother,

My husband went for a day surgery to check if he had blockages in his heart. I prayed very hard for your intercession for the surgery to be successful. There is a small blockage in his heart, but he is not required to go for an operation. Thank you for hearing my prayers.

Your Faithful Daughter.

6. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for interceding to Jesus, who has blessed for the past 20 years. I am thankful for the opportunity to migrate to Australia with my family.

Your Loving Daughter.