My wife was diagnosed with sinus cancer that pressed on the brain when she was 29 weeks pregnant. We want to give thanks for your intercession in delivering our baby safely preterm at 29.5 weeks, for her safe and successful surgery, and for both the baby’s and mother’s recovery. Thank you for being with us through the difficult moments.
Your Loving Son.
2. Dear Mother,
Thank you for your powerful intercession in helping me to find fulfilment in my career.
Your Daughter.
3. Dearest Mother Mary,
Thank you that I am having a wonderful Lunar New Year.
Your Child.
4. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
For months I have been praying for my sister that she will get a job and that our communication with each other will resume. Early this year, she was offered a job, and we have managed to be on talking terms again and to listen to each other’s views. It is a relief that we are reconciled. Thank you, Mother Mary, for interceding and looking after our family all these years.
Your Faithful Daughter.
5. Dearest Mother,
I have never written a thanksgiving letter, despite attending the Novena devotions since I was young. 25 years later, I am writing my first thanksgiving letter to thank you for your intercession and love for me and my family. It has been a very difficult time since my father suffered a severe stroke early Christmas morning. He never regained consciousness, and passed away soon on Boxing Day last year. He was 83 years old but still in good health. The sudden stroke was a shock to us all. Throughout the immediate aftermath, with my mother being sadly struck by grief, your intercession and the help of the Holy Spirit must have been what sustained me in carrying out all the funeral matters and looking after my sick mother. As I am the only child, the burden was great, yet God sent me angels. My cousin sister and brother, as well as two of my closest friends happened to be on leave and helped me out. I was also filled with a sense of unshakable peace that my father was indeed with the Lord and no long suffered. This helped me work through the immediate grief. I started my days not with “why, Lord?” but “Thank you, Lord” because I had been blessed with wonderful and loving parents, who raised me to know and love God. It’s almost 2 months now since my father’s passing, and grief still overcomes me from time to time. But I know that you are always watching over us and praying for us, and that my family will be fine.
Your Loving & Grateful Daughter.
6. Dearest Mother,
I just started working again this week after a long rest from my surgery and chemotherapy. I am ever so thankful for all the help that you and your Son, Jesus, have rendered me during my cancer treatment. I got through it rather smoothly by the grace of God. I prayed for a smooth start to my work, and again I am thankful as I managed to perform my work dutifully, without any problem due to my health.
Your Grateful Son.
7. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,
Thank you so much for interceding to our merciful Lord for my sister. Not only did her surgery go well, the cancer marker reduced drastically. We know that it is through your intercession that this is possible. We are so grateful for your love and care.
Your Loving Catholic Daughter.
8. Dear Mother Mary,
Thank you for your kind intercession for my family. You have never failed to answer our prayers and we would like to express our deepest gratitude to you.
Your Loving Daughter.
9. Dearest Mother,
Thank you for answering my prayers concerning my recent lung scan. The results show that there are tiny nodules which are not serious. Thank you for being with me.
Your Loving Child.
10. Dearest Mother,
Thank you so much for helping my daughter to pass her ‘O’ Levels, and to be able to move on to the next level.
Your Grateful Child.
11. Dearest Mother Mary,
I am writing this thanksgiving letter to you to thank you for your constant loving help throughout the last 5 years when my family and I were going through a terrible crisis. In early 2019, our entire world was turned upside down by an incident that shocked us to the bone. While there were many days and nights of tears, fears and extreme anxiety, deep in our hearts we knew that you were always interceding for us. This gave us confidence to place our trust in you and in God, and to face the difficulties before us. My wife and I came to your shrine over many nights; we found that praying to you gave us strength to endure the predicament. Each day, all we could do was to hold on to you and your precious Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Despite the great burden pressing heavily on us, we were still able to sleep soundly every night. Over the past 5 years, my wife and I grew closer to each other. Individually and as a couple, we experienced a deeper relationship with God. I know that it is your constant intercession that enabled us to experience such peace and closeness. And it is also you, Mother, who kept us safe all these years. In January 2024, we finally came to the end of our ordeal! Mother Mary, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your mantle of protection over us.
Your Loving Son.
12. Dearest Mother Mary,
Thank you for your intercession for turning me towards Jesus after 21 years of neglecting Him in my life. Thank you for all the miracles and consolations that have been granted through your intercession.