Thank you for your kind intercession in answering my prayer for my son’s university convocation ceremony to be a physical one.
It had originally been planned for July this year but due to the pandemic, the university authorities changed it to a virtual ceremony. I prayed that the authorities would reverse their decision and was happy that they did so in October. Strict safe management measures would be carried out and again I prayed for your intercession that all their graduates and their parents, including my husband, son and I would be well on the day, because it would mean so much to us to be there. Thank You for your kind intercession in allowing this meaningful ceremony to take place physically yesterday and for allowing us to be there.
Your loving daughter.
2. Dear Mother Mary,
I have been praying for your intercession that my son and daughter-in-law will be blessed with a child. Thank you, Mother for answering my prayers. I am elated that they are expecting a child. I know that God our Father is kind and merciful and answers prayers in His time. I am writing this letter to give hope to all who have asked for your intercession and have yet to see their prayers answered. I encourage them not to lose hope but to continue to seek your intercession. Mother please protect this young couple and their unborn child. Keep them safe and healthy. Thank you, Mother.
Your faithful Catholic daughter.
3. My Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
Thank you very much for interceding for my sister and her husband who were both tested positive for Covid-19 recently. I prayed earnestly for your intercession and wrote a petition last Saturday. Their stall in the market had to be closed for more than 2 weeks and they were isolating at home as they refused to go to the hospital. I was very concerned about their mental health as well as they are not tech savvy and depended solely on their son who could only offer minimal care as he was afraid that he too would contract the virus. I was overjoyed to receive news on Sunday that they are now both well. Please continue to protect and guard them and give them the strength and courage to face the daily challenges ahead.
Your very grateful daughter.
My mother passed away recently after a long battle with Breast Cancer. She was diagnosed in 2012 and was told by the doctor than that she might have 6 months and at best 5 years. My mum fought for 9 long years before finally giving in this month.4. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help, I asked for your intercession for my friend a couple of weeks ago regarding her health. I received news today that after her operation, she need not have to go for chemotherapy. Thank you, Mother for praying for me. Your grateful Catholic daughter.