Petitions – 7 September 2024

1. It’s been close to 9 months since I have been unemployed. I am starting to lose hope and feel inferior to my friends who have found jobs. Please give me the strength to continue looking and applying for jobs and have confidence in myself.

2. Dear Mother,

Please pray for my daughter who is overwhelmed by the changes in her life.

3. We fervently pray to you to guide both our daughters to find their true vocations God has planned for them.

4. Dearest Mother,

I come before you with a heavy heart, lifting up my son in prayer. He has recently received his Preliminary Examination results and his score in Mathematics which was 67% and it has left him feeling deeply disappointed. He is struggling with the belief that despite his prayers, my fasting and his hard work, God has not blessed his efforts. He feels abandoned and is questioning his faith. Dear Mother, I ask for your intercession in this time of trial. Please help him to see that setbacks and challenges does not mean that God has abandoned him, but rather that they are opportunities for growth, perseverance and deeper reliance on God’s grace. I pray that he may be granted the strength and courage to continue holding on to God for support and guidance. May he be filled with the assurance that God’s love is ever present, even in times of difficulty and that miracles often come in ways we least expect.

5. Dear Mother Mary,

Please intercede my prayer to your Son, Jesus Christ, for world peace and unity in families. We pray for the sick for speedy recovery. Bless all people with good health and protection.

6. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,

The doctors have found multiple growth in my mother’s lungs. She is to do a biopsy and I am asking that you guide the doctors for a successful biopsy without any complications. I also ask that you will grant my mother good health and peace of mind. Please also help us the children to make the right decisions for her treatment.

7. I like to seek your intercession for my patients admitted at TTSH. I have a 24 year-old patient who jumped off the 4th floor in front of his mother. He survived the attempted suicide and is paralysed waist down. We are currently trying our best to help him rehabilitate and get him to stand again. I pray for his speedy recovery. He also has a gambling addiction and has accumulated debt. I pray for his change of heart and also pray for his mother who has to work so hard to look after him and his hospital bills now.

8. Dear Mother Mary,

Please intercede for my spouse to overcome his addiction and various issues. He has been facing many problems and that has led to many adverse effects on our marriage and family life. Please grant all of us the strength and healing. You have always been with me in my time of hopeless and fear. Please continue to watch over my husband and pray for our safety and peace.

9. Dearest Mother Mary,

Please pray and intercede for God’s Miraculous Healing Touch and protection for my various health issues. Please guide me and strength my faith.

10. I pray for reconciliation with my son. We have not been on talking term for 3 years and this is very painful for me as I do not want to lose my son.

11. My Primary 6 class will be sitting for their PSLE examination. Please bless them with clear minds to do well in their examinations. May they all ace their examinations.