Petitions – 6 April 2024

1. Please Mother, pray for my son to be in good health and help him to find a job soon.

2. My daughter is suffering from insomnia, anxiety and depression. May your Son, Jesus, heal her and send her friends and teachers who will be able to reach out to her.

3. I pray for a good friend who has been diagnosed with cancer. Mother, be with her and comfort her as she goes through her treatment.

4. This is my last month of work as I have been retrenched. It is one of the toughest times of my life, but I know you understand what’s in my heart.

5. Mother Mary, ask Jesus to bless my family, especially the child in my womb. May she grow beautifully in grace and health.

6. A young father is suffering from kidney failure and had a stroke two months ago. Mother of Perpetual Help, intercede for him and his family that their daily needs will be provided for.

7. I am feeling lost and sad as I’m unable to get a student loan to pursue my higher education. Please hear and answer my prayer.

8. Pray with us and for us, Mother. Our family members are estranged from each other. Help us to let go of our own bitterness and disagreement and live together as a family again.

9. My dear wife is under a lot of stress from her work. I pray dearest Mother, that she’ll have a better working environment with good and kind employers and co-workers.

10. Strengthen my husband to turn to you for comfort and not to alcohol in times of difficulty in his life.