Petitions – 24 August 2024

1. Dear Mother Mary,

Please intercede for us to have a child if it is God’s plan. And if it’s not, please help us to be okay with it.

2. Dear Mother,

I pray for your intercession to help me to get my life back together, to let go, to find purpose in life, and for friends who will be there for me.

3. Dear Mother of Perpetual Succour,

Please pray for my daughter who is very temperamental and suffers from panic attacks. I get frightened and worried when she has a tantrum. Please ask Jesus to heal her.

4. My sister-in-law is due to receive a new kidney after 10 years of dialysis. This has been a long wait for her. I pray that the transplant will be safe and successful.

5. Dear Mother Mary,

Please intercede that my son will have a favourable outcome in his court cases, and in his mental health treatment.

6. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,

Please intercede for our brother whose liver cancer markers keep increasing, despite many cycles of treatment.

7. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Succour,

Please intercede for my granddaughter who is suffering from mental illness and insomnia. She doesn’t want to talk to us or her parents. Please pray for her that she will be protected from danger or harm.

8. Dear Mother Mary,

Please pray for me because I have my last weighted assessment next week and I’m really nervous, as I have been failing Math. I’ve been studying really hard to pass this time.

9. Dearest Mother Mary,

Please pray for my son to come back to church, and open his heart to allow the Holy Spirit to work within him.

10. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

My wife lost a huge amount of money in a scam. I pray that she will recover the money as quickly as possible. Please guide and pray for us.

11. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

My friend’s brother in the Philippines has been missing for weeks after the typhoon. We ask for your intercession that he will be found safe and alive soon.

12. Dear Mother Mary,

My son and daughter-in-law are planning to divorce and they have a 3-year-old son. It hurts me greatly so see them this way and I ask you to intercede that they will find happiness in each other and be united again as one family.

13. Dear Mother,

My sister will be celebrating her 80th Birthday, please grant her good health and blessings through.