Petitions – 17 August 2024

1. Dear Mother,

Please intercede for me that I will secure a new job soon.

2. Dear Mother of Perpetual help,

I am going for my heart check-up. Please pray for me.

3. My husband’s youngest brother is holding a lot of grudges against him. I pray that he will have a change of heart, so that there can be reconciliation in the family eventually. Please guide my husband to make the right decisions when dealing with his mother and youngest brother, and intercede for my husband’s extended family to become loving and united once more.

4. Dear Mother,

I thank Jesus for the many blessings He has showered upon my family and me. Please continue to intercede to Jesus, so that we may enjoy the blessings of good health and be kept safe from harm, danger and illness.

5. Dearest Mother,

I have been actively looking for a job for 2 months but have not been able to find the right fit. I have an important interview coming up and am very keen on the role. Please give me the strength to keep studying hard for it, be with me to calm my heart as I go into the interview and help me to do well. I pray that I will be able to get the job, if it is God’s will.

6. Mother Mary,

Please pray and intercede for me. My last CT scan show a growth on the liver. I have to go for another scan in October to determine whether it is cancer-related. I pray that it will not be cancer and for it to be removed.

7. Dear Mother Mary,

We implore your intercession to protect our 10-months-old baby boy. May his current post-surgery recovery be smooth and well, and may he be healthy as soon as possible, so he can continue eating the food he likes. We ask that Jesus will continue to bless him and that he will grow up healthily.

8. Mother,

Please intercede for my friend, who is going through a messy divorce. I pray that it may be settled amicably and for a favourable outcome.