Petitions – 16 December 2023

1. Dearest Mother, my sister is flying back to New York tonight. Please intercede for her safety and grant her a pleasant journey home.

2. Dear Mother Mary, I have been carrying a heavy cross in my marriage for the past 23 years. I have wanted to give up many times. Please Mother Mary, intercede for me and give me strength to continue on this journey. Please continue to watch over my fragile marriage.

3. Dearest Mother Mary, I recently went through a traumatic experience in my new workplace. I am discerning if I should quit nursing but I’m also worried that I cannot pay off my bond. Mother Mary, please guide me.

4. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help, please intercede for my daughter who is struggling to complete her Masters’ degree.

5. Mother Mary, please help me to find a good helper soon. I am really feeling very exhausted. Please Mother, intercede for me.

6. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help, my third trimester scan is on Friday and I am feeling anxious. It is through your intercession that I conceived this child and I will be forever grateful for this miracle and blessing. As I go through these final weeks of pregnancy, please continue to intercede for me.

7. Dearest Mother Mary, please intercede for the soul of one of my university professors. She was a kind teacher and a generous soul. May she find peace in the Lord.

8. Dearest Mother, the last 10 years, have been a great trial. I feel so wearied and beaten. I am a single mum. Three years ago, I lost my husband to another woman. While I survived the divorce, I face other trials at work and financially. Please help me my dearest Mother.

9. Dear Mother Mary, I pray for your intercession for my husband, who is fighting an illness that has taken a toll on his physical and mental health. Please grant him strength, grace and healing and may he not be put through further suffering.

10. Dear Mother, please intercede for my 15 year-old nephew. He uses vulgarities on his parents, he goes out in the middle of the night and we’re afraid that he is involved with gangs. Please Mother, watch over him.

11. Dearest Mother, please bless my son who is signing-on in the Air Force today. Please keep him safe and I pray he has a good and rewarding career.

12. My Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help, my mother’s helper received news that her husband in Indonesia met with a motorcycle accident and is unconscious in hospital. Tragically her mother-in-law just passed away yesterday and her husband was on the way to the wake when he was knocked down. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help, I ask for your intercession and I trust in your loving help.