Dear Mother, please protect my son and his friends as they do their National Service. Help them to cope with the training and become tougher men for the future.
Pray that we’ll make the right decisions in our relationship. Help us to trust God more.
My granddaughter is in KK Children’s Hospital and the doctors are treating her with a new drug. Please, may this drug heal her completely.
Dearest Mother, my husband needs to find a job in Singapore so that we can be together again as we have been living apart for one year.
Mother of Perpetual Help, my son has been applying for a flat for the past 4 years. Help him to be successful in his next application.
I am 15 years old and will be taking my ‘O’ Levels this year. Please help me do well as I will try my best to study hard.
Please save me from going to court. I am in no condition to handle any more pain or hardship.