Dearest Mother Mary, please intercede for me to overcome my current financial difficulties. I would require a big sum of money to pay for the children’s books.
Dearest Mother, I pray for my sister-in-law to open up and share with me what is troubling her.
Please intercede for my daughter and her ex-boyfriend to be reconciled. Let them love and trust each other again.
Please bring my husband back to the Church and the family.
Recently I have gone through a lot and I am feeling helpless. Please pray for me.
Dear Mother Mary, please intercede for my god-mother and my uncle who have health issues. If it is God’s will, may they be healed and keep them strong through this difficult time.
Please intercede for my mother-in-law who will be undergoing a major knee surgery on 20 November 2018.
I keep having thoughts that I am going to loose my son. Please help me stop these painful thoughts.
I have had 3 miscarriages. Please give me the strength and courage to move on in my life.
Please intercede for us to have a baby soon.
Please pray for the healing of my 23-year old son and 16-year old daughter. They have not been communicating with one another.
Please intercede for me that my hearing and eye sight will improve.
Dearest Mother, my daughter is in Taiwan for an exchange program. Please be with her.
I pray for strength as I am going through a lot of stress in the office and also with my aging mother. I know that both you and your Son, will always be there for me to help me get through my difficulties.
My mother has dementia and depression. She cries all the time that she wants to die. It is very depressing for me and the caregiver. I pray for peace in her till the time she returns home.