Petitions – 19 October 2024

1. Dearest Mother,

Recently, my performance at work hasn’t been meeting expectations. I’ve been feeling stressed and anxious over the future of my employment, and I really pray for your intercession that I can prove to my superiors why they took a chance on me.

2. Dearest Mother,

I have been battling anxiety for years and now I have high blood pressure and cholesterol. Please help me overcome my anxiety and be healthy mentally and physically for my children.

3. I pray for all those who are living in a hospice. Mother, please surround them with peace and comfort, and fill their hearts with calm and serenity.

4. Dear Mother Mary,

I ask your intercession for my sister who is constantly borrowing money from moneylenders, despite the suffering our family goes through to help her out each time. Please also pray for my family, who live in constant fear.

5. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,

I seek your intercession for my brother and his wife, as they navigate the challenges in their marriage. They are struggling with communication issues, which have led to the threat of divorce. Mother, please guide them towards healing and reconciliation.

6. Mother,

Please pray for my husband as he is currently being investigated for an offence. I ask for the Lord’s grace to keep him safe and that he will get through this episode unscathed.

7. Dearest Mother,

I have been feeling overwhelmed and exhausted with my new job and in planning for my upcoming wedding. Please pray for me that everything will go smoothly and that I will continue to find time to attend the Novena sessions weekly. Thank you, Mother.

8. Dearest Mother,

Please continue to intercede for me in my job search. It has been a long wait but I am expecting some positive news next week. I pray for the grace to persevere through this trying period.

9. Dear Mother,

I pray for my sister who has breast cancer, which has now spread to her brain. Please intercede to the Lord that she will be cured.

10. Dear Mother Mary,

Please pray for my daughter who is 20 weeks pregnant. The recent scan showed a hole in the baby’s heart. Please pray for the baby’s healing and healthy development.

11. Dearest Mother,

My daughter refuses to go to church and says she no longer believes in God. Please help her develop a relationship with your Son Jesus and help her find her purpose in life.

12. Dearest Mother,

My wife and daughter are struggling in their relationship. Both want me to take their side, but neither wants to compromise. I am jobless now and I cry at night not knowing what to do. Mother Mary, please pray for us. Your son.