Petitions – 29 June 2024

1. Dearest Mother Mary,

I come to you asking for your intercession to heal me and my sister. My sister has lung cancer, and I have inflammation of the eyes.

2. Dear Mother of Perpetual help,

The world is turning away from your Son, and fewer young people are pursuing the religious life. Our priests are becoming fewer, and we need more vocations to religious life. I ask you to intercede and assist during this growing crisis and open the eyes of more young men to serve your Son.

3. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

Please pray for our baby girl, who was recently diagnosed with a rare genetic condition. The months since her birth have been so tough as we tackled with the symptoms she’s been having. She will be undergoing surgery and intensive therapy sessions. All we are asking for is for her condition to improve slowly but surely, and that she will be able to be the best playmate for her older sister in time to come. Please be with our family.

4. Dear Mother Mary,

Please intercede for my friend who is undergoing treatment for Stage 3 breast cancer. I pray for her to respond well to the treatment and for God’s healing mercies upon her. I pray for her mom and family to also draw close to the Lord for they are not Christians. Please grant them strength in this difficult time.

5. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

I am a handicapped person with a knee problem and fused vertebrae. I had been awarded a handicapped parking license on a 5-years lease and I am renewing it for another 5 years, this month. Please, Mother Mary, intercede for me to have my renewal licence approved. A lesser walking distance due to parking in a handicapped lot will help me a lot.

6. Dear Mother Mary,

Please intercede that there will be peace in my family, and that my parents will be well, free from sickness and harm, and live to a good old age.

7. Dear Mother,

Please intercede for my 3 children to always be well, healthy and happy, and to make the right decisions according to God’s will for their lives. Please also intercede for my business to survive these challenging times.

8. We pray for healing from breast cancer for our beloved sister. May the Lord Jesus Christ give her strength to undergo the chemotherapy treatment, and comfort her during times of anguish, pain, confusion and despair. May God’s healing graces grant her happiness, health and fulfilment here on earth.

9. Dearest Mother Mary,

Please pray and intercede for my wife who is undergoing chemo and radio therapy. Pray and guide the doctors and the team that the treatment will be successful and that she’ll be totally free of cancer.

10. Dearest Mother,

We come before you with grateful hearts, seeking your intercession for the person who generously donated his or her heart to my daughter one year ago. Please pray for the eternal peace and repose of their soul, and may they find rest in God’s loving embrace. We also lift up in prayer the donor’s family. Comfort them in their grief and grant them peace.

11. Dear Mother Mary of Perpetual Help,

I humbly entrust to my son to you, who has been struggling with the challenges of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder for many years. Despite efforts to find relief, his condition has only worsened, causing immense suffering and distress for him and our family. I implore you, dear Mother Mary, to intercede on behalf of my son, praying for God’s merciful grace to bring him comfort, peace, and healing. Please stand beside him in his darkest moments.

12. Mother Mary,

I am wrongfully abused and accused by some of my neighbours. They fabricated the story and tried to build a case against me whereby totally baseless and without any foundation. Each morning I go out, they would get people to put me under close surveillance. All the while they are aware that my knees are having problems and yet using the lift to play punk with me. Besides they bad mouthed me all around even get some ladies to lure me into the traps, humiliating me, harassing me and teasing me all the while. Help me Mother Mary, to fight for this injustice and let the justice be shown through your Son. Heavenly Father, please hear my petition and grant them through the prayer of Mary our Mother.