Thanksgiving – 29 June 2024

1. Dear Mother Mary,

Last month my wife’s MRI showed that she has a 2 to 4 mm size tumour in her brain. I asked for your intercession to your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, about her situation. Last week we went to the Neurosurgeon’s appointment and he told us not to worry and that her condition was not serious. Thank you very much for your intercession.

Your Grateful Son.

2. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for blessing my aunt with a strong support system, especially in times of need as she is sick right now. Thank you for blessing her with family and friends who love her very much. I pray that you will continue to look after her and care for her.

Your Grateful Daughter.

3. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you for praying for us to have a child. After 1.5 years, God has blessed us with the gift of a child. Please protect our child throughout the pregnancy, and help us to be good parents to him.

Your Grateful Son and Daughter.

4. Dearest Mother Mary,

I wrote to you two weeks ago to ask for your intercession, as my husband has been behaving strangely and he almost took his life. Thank you for sending angels who found him unhurt, and for the people who have been helping him throughout this difficult time. Thank you, Mother, for your loving care.

5. Dearest Mother,

I was in Singapore from 2017 to 2019, and I used to regularly attend the Novena service on Saturday evenings. You have given the strength and protection to tide over many challenges since then, and I have received many unexpected blessings at the right time. I am sorry that I hadn’t written earlier to thank you for your love. I was reminded to do so when I saw the online Novena service today. Please accept my humble gratitude for all your help and continue to be with me as I face new challenges.

Your Grateful Son.

6. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,

I thank the Lord for all the blessings He has showered on me and my family, for the opportunities that I have now, for good health and the life He has given us. As we make a move to Australia, I thank you for guiding me all along. I thank God for blessing me with another year and I continue to pray for more healthy years. My plans and desires for my family wouldn’t be possible without your help and intercession, dear Mother.

Your Loving Child.

7. Dear Mother Mary,

Thank you so much for taking my prayers to Jesus every time. My mother was in a serious condition and was admitted to hospital last week. You guided me at the right time and stayed with me throughout the difficult times, and helped my mother through her serious illness. She has recovered now and is discharged from ICU to a normal ward. I thank Jesus for His wonderful blessings and miracles. Mother, kindly help me with good thoughts, to spread your love and affection to everyone in this world, and to reciprocate with positivity and kindness. Thank you so much, Mother. 

Your Loving Daughter.

8. Dearest Mother Mary,

Last week, I sought your intercession for my friend’s 6-year old grand-daughter to have a safe and successful surgery in June. Today, my friend sent me a photo of his grand-daughter in the hospital bed recovering after the surgery! Thank you very much, dearest Mother Mary, for your powerful intercession to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ for this great miracle. Please continue to intercede for this little girl to fully recover. I love you so much, my beautiful Mother of God.

Your Forever Grateful Daughter.