Petitions – 25 May 2024

1. Dear Mother Mary, please pray for my brother who is in remand. Please protect him and may he receive a lighter sentence.

2. Dearest Mother, please intercede for my son who will be joining the RCIA this year. Guide him on his spiritual journey.

3. My husband has been jobless for 5 months. He had a few interviews but all were unsuccessful. He is going into a depression and I am really helpless. We are really desperate and pray that you will answer our prayers.

4. I pray that Jesus will heal me from all my illnesses. Mother, please intercede for me.

5. Dear Mother Mary, I pray for my colleague who just found out that she has blood cancer and a tumour in her nose. Her prognosis was that she has only 5 months to live. May the Lord grant her strength and mercy.

6. My friend’s baby girl, who had a brain tumour when she was 6 months old, had a successful operation and was recovering well, but had several seizures yesterday. Please intercede for her to recover.

7. Dear Mother, my wife has left our home because she wants a break from being a mother and a wife after nearly 25 years of marriage. Please be with her as my children and I are very confused as to what is happening to her.

8. Dearest Mother, please help me to have more patience and understanding in my work. I pray for protection at my workplace from any accidents and injuries.

9. Please pray for my uncle as he has a super rare illness, which is affecting his liver and kidney functions. The doctors are still trying to find ways to treat him.

10. Dear Mother, please intercede for my 14 years old daughter, who has turned to the wrong path and away from God. As a mother, I am unable to counsel or help her for she refuses to listen to me. I can only pray that our Lord will touch her and transform her.

11. This is my first time attending the Novena devotion. I am currently going through a serious mid-life crisis and everything in life is breaking down. My marriage is gone, I am suffering from depression and I just do not have the will to live anymore. The only choice that I have right now is to surrender myself to you as you are the only one that knows what is best for me and what I should do. Please give me the strength and determination to be alive.

12. Dearest Mother Mary, I ask that you intercede for me in my university application. Till today, I have yet heard from the universities and I am feeling lost and worried. I know that you are always there for us in our darkest moment and I entrust these into your hands.