Thanksgiving – 27 July 2024

1. Dearest Mother,

Thank you for being on this journey with me and my partner. It’s been such a grace-filled journey with so much peace, joy and love, and I know that you’re constantly interceding for us. Today we conquered another milestone together of meeting my family for a meal for the first time and it went peacefully and joyfully. I’m grateful beyond words as I know this peace is definitely from God. I’m so thankful for these past 6 months.

Your Grateful Daughter.

2. Dear Mother Mary,

Some months ago I wrote a petition asking for your intercession about my mum’s helper, who is good in taking care of my mum, that she can continue working with us after her contract ends, as she had told us that she intended to return to her home country. Earlier this week, she spoke to me and said that she will continue to work with us. I want to thank you and am so grateful to you Mother Mary. This would not have been possible without your prayers and intercession to your Son, Jesus.

Your Ever-Grateful Son.

3. Dearest Mother Mary,

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to avert a grave mistake by my son. His wife had just conceived but he was full of fear of losing his financial security and insisted that his wife terminate the pregnancy. My husband and I came to your shrine and I also wrote a petition to implore your intercession to stop this wrong-doing. My son had refused to hear us or heed our advice. Indeed, it was a miracle to receive his call to say that they would keep the baby. No words can express our gratitude for we thought it was a losing battle. Please protect them and the baby and bless them with a healthy and lovable child.

Your Grateful Children.

4. Dearest Mother,

Words cannot express the miraculous recovery experienced by my colleague who was given a prognosis of six months to live, yet survived past a year. I came to your shrine last year as he was diagnosed with a very rare form of bone cancer, which without a transplant, he would die. I asked for your intercession so that his children would not have to grow up without their father and that his wife would not be left without a husband, especially as he is the sole provider for the family. A year later, someone donated their bone marrow and the match was found just when he had one month left to live. Today, he has returned to do some online work. Truly, it is a testament of God’s goodness and I am reminded of the miracle at the wedding at Cana. I thank you for watching over him and interceding for him.

Your Grateful Catholic Daughter.

5. I would like to offer heartfelt thanks to our Lord and to Mother Mary for her intercession. I have worked for over 30 years in the financial industry and, despite the stressful challenges the job demanded, the volatile investment climate and my lack of talent, God has sustained me and protected me through these years. There were so many incidents that I could witness to God’s graces and protection in the past 30 years. Recently this year, I requested for early retirement, after praying about it. The Lord has blessed me with a strong desire to spend my retirement years seeking Him and placing Him first in my life by serving Him wholeheartedly. Therefore, I thank the Lord and dear Mother for her intercession, for allowing me to retire early and to seek this path forward, walking humbly and seeking His will for a meaningful retirement.

Your Faithful Son.

6. Dear Mother,

Thank you for walking with me for the last 9 years after the passing of my late husband. I would not have been able to walk alone without you and Lord Jesus. Thank you, Mother, and please continue to be with me and pray for me.

Your Daughter.

7. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,

Thank you very much for interceding for my daughter to conceive after 2 years of marriage. She is now in her 13th week of pregnancy. Please continue to intercede for a smooth delivery. Thank you, once again, dearest Mother Mary.

Your Ever Grateful Daughter.

8. Dearest Mother Mary,

Thank you for interceding for me. I am cured of my extreme high blood pressure and cholesterol. Thank you, Mother.

Your Catholic Son.

9. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,

Thank you for being such a wonderful mother to me and my family. You have always walked with us every step of the way, being so patient and loving with us. There are storms in our lives for sure, but we have opened our hearts to receive your wisdom, blessings, graces and so many wonderful things. All doors shall open for us, because of our faith and the belief that you will guide and protect us each step of the way. For me, I am healing from the wounds of a betrayal in my marriage. Despite the deep hurt inflicted on me by my husband, God has given me so much overwhelming love that I am filled with His goodness. This goodness keeps running after me and I am so thankful for this mercy and compassion given to me. He is mending my wounds, binding my broken heart and our marriage is still intact. Thank you, Mother, for leading me home to God and Jesus.

Your Grateful Catholic Daughter.

10. Dearest Mother Marry,

As a teacher I never imagined working through student issues with the power of the Holy Spirit. I was counselling a student about some issues he is facing and he was very anxious. I offered him my number and he saw my whatsapp status which suggested I’m a Christian. He asked if I was Christian, I said yes and asked why he would ask this question. He replied that he’s a Buddhist but ever since this issue cropped up, he has been praying to Jesus and felt peace. I then gave him the Holy Spirit prayer card and told the student that he’s not alone anymore – that now the Holy Spirit, God and Jesus are with him. He broke down and cried. I spent an hour counselling him and emotionally supporting him, but truly I felt the power of God working through me. 2 days later, he decided to be brave and face the consequences of his action. Yes, he’s not out of the woods, but I’m thankful his heart is free from this burden, and God came to save him. As a teacher, I have always loved the students, but this case really taught me that I too, am not alone in my teaching career. I know what God wants me to do. Teaching is difficult but seeing how the Holy Spirit acts is so rewarding!

Your Thankful Catholic Daughter.