Thank you very much for lifting a heavy burden from my son and my family. After 9 months of investigation, he has finally been cleared of all charges and the case has closed with no further action. Thank you for giving him the justice he deserved and his innocence made known.
Your Grateful Daughter.
2. I am greatly thankful to our Lord for saving my daughter. She had a stroke at home and was alone. I thank the Lord for rescuing her. She is now in hospital and making progress each day. She has just started physiotherapy. I pray that she responds well to the physiotherapy and has a speedy recovery.
Your Daughter.
3. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
We are grateful for your kind intercession and prayers for our daughter and her premature baby. The baby is now medically stable and has been discharged from the hospital after three months. We trust our gracious Lord will watch over his health and development.
Your Loving Daughter.
4. Dear Mother Mary,
Just before my birthday last week, my Director texted me to share the good news that I have been promoted and HR will contact me later this week. This came as a surprise as I have only been at my current workplace for 1.5 years and am on a 2-year work contract. I would like to offer this wonderful news as thanksgiving to you, the gifts and talents God has given me, supportive bosses and good colleagues to work with. Thank you for being a mother to me, for your motherly love, guidance and companionship. As I celebrate another year of life, Thank you for this gift of life, family and friends to journey together with me. Thank you, Mother Mary for all the blessings and your constant intercession for me.
Your Daughter.
5. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
I would like to thank you for your prayers. Last year, I took my ‘N’ Level Examinations and I prayed for your intercession, every Saturday at the Novena and during the exam period. I received my ‘N’ Level results in December, and I scored the points that I was hoping. I am glad that my application to the poly was approved recently. I thank you so much for your intercession, and guidance and in helping me achieve the result and the ability to further my education. Once again thank you Mother.
Your Grateful Child.
6. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help,
Words really cannot describe my heartfelt gratitude to you and our Lord Jesus, for answering our prayers. My husband was recently diagnosed with a difficult type of cancer which potentially may require the removal of a kidney. I came to your shrine to implore your intercession and cried out to our Lord for His mercy. The latest biopsy showed a reduced tumour which the doctor managed to remove totally and we are awaiting the result. The good news is that the doctor has said that whatever the result may be, there will be no necessity for the removal of the kidney. We thank all our prayer-warriors and you Mother, for your intercession and praise and thank God for His endless grace and mercy.
Your Loving Daughter.
7. Dear Mother,
Thank you that through your prayer and intercession, I am finally getting baptised and confirmed this Easter in New Jersey. This was the second time I have been through the RCIA. The first was in 2011 in Novena Church, but I left halfway when I returned to the United States. I did not continue with the journey due to family pressure. However, you spoke to me clearly last summer and made a way for me to embrace the Catholic faith. Thank you, Mother, for being with me during my discernment journey.
Your Soon to be Catholic Daughter.
8. Dearest Mother of Perpetual Help,
I want to thank you for the most joyful good news I received last week, with my CT Scan result. Between cycles of chemotherapy and cancer treatments, I had CT scans done and this is the first time I got good news. Every day since, I handed in my petition in February I prayed for your intercession and waited for a good result. So when I received the result I was so very relieved and grateful. I also like to thank the Novena Community for praying for me.